Tuesday, 12 February 2013


"What is the relationship between name and thing named?" Presumably Wittgenstein is wondering about internal relationships here. - He isn't, say, thinking about the distance between a name-tag and the person named on the tag.

He asks us to look at the language game from §2 for an answer. There, you might say that the 'name' 'slab' is tied up with certain forms of behaviour. When someone utters the word 'slab!' they intend for another person to bring them a slab. The second person demonstrates understanding by bringing a slab.

Wittgenstein goes on to say, "[a]mong many other things, this relation may also consist in the fact that hearing a name calls before our mind the picture of what is named; and sometimes in the name's being written on the thing named or in its being uttered when the thing named is pointed at".

Does the relationship between name and thing named ever (in fact) consist in the fact that hearing the name calls before our mind the picture of what is named?

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