Monday, 18 February 2013


We would say that a sign e.g. 'R' is the name of a square of such and such a colour e.g. red, if the signs were taught to people in a certain way (I assume Wittgenstein's point here is that there is an internal connection between the meaning of 'R' and it being taught in a certain way - R's having the meaning it does is tied up with the language game). - Or it could be laid down in a chart (here I assume Wittgenstein is pointing to the normativity of meaning - that the chart is a kind of standard/rule against which we can decide whether a term is used correctly).

Wittgenstein makes the point that a rule may have different roles in the language game. He uses the example of someone using the chart to see which letters (words in this language game) correspond to which coloured squares. Someone might also use the chart in composing a complex of squares according to the words uttered by someone else. - Are these two different roles for the rule?

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